single "Damage" aired on Ugly Betty TV episode
"A Tree Grows in Guadalajara" starring Venessa
-Zerby has produced three tracks on her album
- Has performed with major artists Beenie Man, Beres
Hammond, Sean Paul, Buju Banton, Sister Nancy and
many others
- Has worked with major producers Sly & Robbie,
Steelie and Clevie and others
- Performed major stage shows in Jamaica, St. Croix,
U.S. Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands,
New York, NY, Toronto, Canada, San Diego, California,
Atlanta, Georgia
-Single "BOAST" on Movie Soundtrack "Mo"
starring Erik Per Sullivan
The Gleaner newspaper in Kingston, Jamaica, X-News newspaper in Kingston, Jamaica, The Weekly Star, Toronto, Canada, Entertainment newspaper, Kingston, Jamaica, Observer newspaper, Kingston, Jamaica, Rolling Out feature and Album of the Week
WRTN/93.5 FM New York, NY; WJKC/Isle 95 FM and WSTX
FM St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands; RJR/94 FM Kingston,
Jamaica; TPN Radio FM 100.9 Milan, Italy; Aveiro FM
96.5 Portugal; CHLY 101.7 FM BC Canada; Hot 92 FM
England UK; WLRN/91.3 FM Miami, FL; 107.9 FM Dordrecht,
Netherlands; WSND 88.9 FM Indiana; WNTI 91.9 FM Hackettstown,
NJ; UNIIQ 95.7 FM Ghana, Africa; Reggae Radio, Zurich,
Switzerland; Internet radio radiobanter.com, raggakings.net,
bigupradio.com, live365.com, caribbean vibes radio
and others